The 5 AM Club - Robin Sharma

 Author :  Robin Sharma

Genre :  Self Help, Non-fiction, Insight,
Strategies, Philosophy
Published Year : 2018
TheBookNook Ratings : 5/5
Format : E-book
Source : Apple Books

About the Author :                                                                                            

Robin Sharma is a renowned author, speaker, and leadership expert known for his influential work in the field of personal development and self-improvement. He has written numerous books that have become international bestsellers, including "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and "The Leader Who Had No Title." Sharma's writings often blend fiction and self-help elements to deliver powerful messages on personal transformation, leadership, and fulfilling one's potential.

As a highly sought-after speaker, Sharma has addressed audiences around the world, sharing his insights and strategies for success. He has been recognized for his ability to inspire and motivate individuals to take control of their lives and make positive changes. With a focus on mindfulness, productivity, and embracing a holistic approach to life, Sharma's work resonates with readers and listeners seeking to lead meaningful and purposeful lives.

Sharma's practical advice and wisdom have made him a respected figure in the field of personal development. His unique perspective, combined with his engaging storytelling style, has garnered him a global following and established him as a leading authority in the realm of self-improvement and leadership.

More about the Author :

Book in Brief :

"The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma is a self-help and personal development book that explores the power of morning routines and early rising for achieving success and personal transformation. The book follows the lives of four diverse characters who meet at a luxurious resort and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth under the guidance of a captivating mentor. Through their experiences and the mentor's teachings, readers are introduced to the concept of waking up at 5 AM and crafting a morning routine that sets the foundation for a productive and fulfilling day.

Sharma shares practical insights, strategies, and principles to help readers optimize their mornings, cultivate positive habits, and unleash their potential. The book explores various aspects of personal development, including mindset, goal setting, productivity, and leadership. It combines storytelling, practical advice, and thought-provoking lessons to inspire readers to embrace the power of early rising and intentional living.

"The 5 AM Club" serves as a guide for individuals seeking to enhance their productivity, improve their mindset, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. It offers a blueprint for transforming daily routines and harnessing the quiet hours of the morning to gain clarity, develop positive habits, and make significant progress toward personal and professional goals.


Reading  "The 5 AM Club" I found it to be incredibly motivating and inspiring. The stories and examples shared by Robin Sharma resonated with me on a personal level and sparked a desire for self-improvement. The emphasis on crafting a morning routine and waking up early really struck a chord with me. I appreciated the practical strategies and actionable steps provided throughout the book, which allowed me to implement positive changes in my own life. The blend of fiction and non-fiction elements made the concepts more relatable and memorable, keeping me engaged throughout the reading journey. Overall, "The 5 AM Club" encouraged me to take charge of my mornings, increase my productivity, and pursue my goals with renewed vigour.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed "The 5 AM Club," I did notice some repetition of ideas. Certain concepts were reiterated multiple times, which, at times, felt unnecessary and slightly tedious. Additionally, I would have loved to see more depth in the character development. Although the book primarily focuses on the teachings and principles, I believe a stronger connection to the characters could have added an extra layer of engagement and emotional investment. However, these minor drawbacks didn't significantly detract from the overall impact and value of the book. I still found it to be a powerful resource for personal growth and highly recommend it to others seeking to make positive changes in their lives.

Much Love


Purchase Links : Amazon I  Barnes and Noble


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