Angels and Demons - Dan Brown

Author : Dan Brown
Genre : Novel, Thriller, Mystery, 
              Suspense, Crime Fiction, 
              Conspiracy Fiction

Published Year : 2000

TheBookNook Ratings : 4.5/5

Format : Paperback

Source : Borrowed

About the Author :

Dan Brown is a famous author who writes exciting and popular books. He was born on June 22, 1964, in Exeter, New Hampshire. Brown is well-known for his thrilling and mysterious stories. He studied English and Spanish at Amherst College and used to be a songwriter and musician. But it was his books that made him really famous. His novels, like "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels & Demons," have sold millions of copies all over the world and have been translated into many languages. Brown's stories often combine history, art, science, and religion, which make them really interesting. People love his books because they have lots of suspense, puzzles, and surprises. Dan Brown is a talented writer who keeps readers hooked with his thrilling and exciting stories.

More about the Author :

Book in Brief :
"Angels and Demons" is an exciting book by Dan Brown. The story follows Robert Langdon, a symbologist and Harvard professor, as he gets caught up in a thrilling adventure in Rome.

Langdon is called to the Vatican when a scientist is found murdered, and a dangerous secret society, known as the Illuminati, resurfaces. Langdon teams up with Vittoria Vetra, a scientist, to solve a puzzling mystery and prevent a catastrophic event.

As they race against time, Langdon and Vetra must decipher ancient symbols, navigate hidden passages, and uncover the truth behind the Illuminati's deadly plan. The story takes readers on a gripping journey filled with suspense, mystery, and intense action.

"Angels and Demons" explores themes of science, religion, and the eternal conflict between them. It is a thrilling and thought-provoking book that keeps readers engaged with its fast-paced plot, intriguing puzzles, and fascinating historical and artistic references.

Exciting Story: I really enjoyed the thrilling story of "Angels and Demons." It kept me hooked from start to finish with its fast-paced plot and unexpected twists.

Mysterious Puzzles: Solving the mysterious puzzles and symbols alongside the main character, Robert Langdon, was a lot of fun. It made me feel involved and challenged my thinking.

Time Pressure and Suspense: The race against time in the story created a sense of urgency and suspense. It made me eager to see how the characters would overcome challenges and kept me engaged.

Engaging Writing Style: Dan Brown's writing style, with its short chapters and exciting cliffhangers, made the book easy to read and hard to put down. It made the whole experience enjoyable.

Excessive Detail: In my opinion, there were instances where the book provided excessive detail, especially when describing the architecture or historical background. This occasionally slowed down the pacing of the story and made it feel overwhelming.

Lengthy Explanations: At times, the book delved into lengthy explanations about scientific or historical concepts. While it added to the intellectual depth of the story, it also occasionally disrupted the flow and made the reading experience feel dense.

Much Love


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