Bringing Tony Home - Tissa Abeysekara

Author :  Tissa Abeysekara

Genre :  Contemporary Fiction,
General & Literary Fiction,
Short Story, Bildungsroman
Published Year : 1998
TheBookNook Ratings : 3.5/5
Format : Paperback
Source : Purchased

About the Author :                                        
                                                                                                               Tissa Abeysekara (1939-2009) was a Sri Lankan writer, filmmaker, and intellectual. He was born on March 14, 1939, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abeysekara made significant contributions to Sinhala literature and cinema, leaving a lasting impact on the cultural landscape of Sri Lanka.

Abeysekara's literary career spanned over five decades, during which he authored numerous novels, short stories, and plays. His writings often explored social, political, and cultural issues, delving into the complexities of Sri Lankan society. Abeysekara's works demonstrated a deep understanding of human nature and an unwavering commitment to storytelling as a means of provoking thought and initiating dialogue.

In addition to his literary achievements, Abeysekara made significant contributions to Sri Lankan cinema. He wrote and directed several critically acclaimed films, earning recognition both locally and internationally. His films often tackled sensitive subjects and offered insightful commentary on society.

Throughout his career, Tissa Abeysekara remained a passionate advocate for cultural and artistic expression, using his creative platforms to provoke thought, challenge norms, and contribute to social progress. His legacy as a prominent writer and filmmaker lives on, inspiring future generations of artists and intellectuals in Sri Lanka and beyond.

Book in Brief :

"Bringing Tony Home" is a compelling novel written by Tissa Abeysekara, a celebrated Sri Lankan author. Set against the backdrop of Sri Lanka's post-independence era, the book explores the intricate complexities of personal and societal transformation.

At its core, "Bringing Tony Home" revolves around the life of its eponymous protagonist, Tony, and his journey of self-discovery. The narrative intricately weaves together themes of identity, love, family, and the pursuit of one's dreams. Through Tony's experiences and interactions with a diverse cast of characters, Abeysekara offers a profound exploration of the human condition and the challenges faced in a rapidly changing world.

"Bringing Tony Home" is not only a story of personal growth and self-discovery but also serves as a mirror reflecting the larger societal shifts occurring in Sri Lanka. It captures the essence of a nation grappling with its identity, traditions, and aspirations.

As readers delve into "Bringing Tony Home," they can expect an engaging narrative that delves deep into the human experience. Abeysekara's masterful storytelling and rich characterization provide a captivating exploration of the personal and societal dimensions of change, leaving readers with a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant reading experience.


The characters in "Bringing Tony Home" are truly captivating. I felt deeply connected to their stories, emotions, and personal growth. It was a joy to witness their journeys unfold.

Tissa Abeysekara's writing style is simply mesmerising. The vivid descriptions and lyrical language transported me to the setting of Sri Lanka, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the story's rich atmosphere.

The book explores profound themes that left me contemplating life's complexities and the human condition. It provided a thought-provoking experience that encouraged me to reflect on my own beliefs and values.

The plot of "Bringing Tony Home" kept me engrossed from beginning to end. It was skillfully crafted, with unexpected twists and moments of intense emotion that kept me eagerly turning the pages.

Abeysekara's ability to capture authentic and deep human experiences impressed me. The characters felt real, their struggles relatable, and their triumphs genuinely inspiring.

Further, Sri Lankan references in the book, described over the last few decades rekindled nostalgic yet beautiful and melancholic feelings inside me and made me proud as a fellow Sri Lankan.

Much Love


Purchase Links : Amazon I  SL Books


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